Growing Patagonia Micro Puff Sales: Social Media Case Study
Bringing Micro Puff to segmented specialist key sports audiences
In the spring of 2018 we worked with Patagonia to help launch their revolutionary new outdoor insulated jacket, the Micro Puff. This campaign was highly successful, reaching a carefully curated audience of over 13 million people.
Off the back of those results, Patagonia approached us again later in the year to ask us to work with them to promote the Micro Puff jacket across Europe once again. This time the focus was to be on three specific outdoor sports audiences.
Advanced Interest Targeting
Patagonia specifically wanted to focus their targeting on three key areas: Fly-Fishing, Alpine and Snow, and so we needed the campaign to reach audiences with those unique interests. We employed advanced social media targeting techniques to find these audiences and engage them with in-feed ads, Instant Experience (Canvas) ads and Instagram story ads.
We had three variants of a video asset at our disposal. This showed Micro Puff in action in the respective fields of interest; either on the river, the slopes or the crag. The videos also highlighted why Micro Puff was ideal for such sports; this meant our targeting needed to match the right people with the right creative that would engage them specifically. Critically, by allowing us to serve specific versions of the ad that were relevant to a user’s interests, this method of targeting allowed us to achieve optimum levels of engagement.
We also extended the targeting to capture those who didn’t fall into one of the segmented key sports audiences but were still likely to engage with the campaign. If a user didn’t have a specific interest in Fish, Alpine, or Snow, we served them a longer, less sport specific video to engage them with Micro Puff. This meant that whilst remaining incredibly targeted, the Micro Puff campaign didn’t miss out any key target audiences because they didn’t fall into any of these three key areas of interest.
The ads were served and tracked over five different regions of Europe, allowing us to gather valuable data on how each interest performed in different markets.
Re-marketing to Engaged Audiences
Not only was this targeting very effective at engaging users and driving them to the Micro Puff product pages, it was also used to inform re-marketing efforts. Those users who had previously engaged with the Facebook in-feed or Instagram story adverts were served a Carousel ad featuring product based images of the Micro Puff jacket, which again drove highly relevant traffic to the product page.
Our expertise and experience delivering this connected strategy once again delivered excellent results for Patagonia. Over the course of a month, the campaign reached over 14 million people, with people engaging with the ads over 4 million times. The social media advertising campaign contributed to a 31.1% increase in sessions, a 44.66% increase in users and a 29% increase in online revenue on the European Patagonia website, compared to the month prior.
With this being the second push on Micro Puff in the space of a year it may have been anticipated that interest may have waned slightly, however, despite the advertising budget being over 20% less than the initial launch, this campaign actually reached almost a million more people, advocating that our strategy of segmenting audiences and using interest specific assets is a highly effective method of targeting via social media.
Do you want to achieve these kinds of results in your next campaign using advanced audience targeting and carefully curated social media advertising funnels? Get in touch to discuss your next project.