Liam Gallagher’s Glasses: Eyewear Icons
As part of our digital marketing work with Seen Opticians, we delivered this piece on the better-dressed Gallagher brother.
Greater Manchester has given the world a fair few legendary glasses wearers over the years—from Deidre Barlow and her trademark oversized clear frames to Ian Brown’s Tron-esque asymmetrical wraparounds. That said, if there were a competition for the archetypal Mancunian eyewear icon, Liam Gallagher might just be at the top spot.
Whether you’re a fan or not, it’s hard to overstate the influence the gobbier Gallagher brother has had on what men wear over the last three decades—from round spectacles to duffle coats. He’s probably shifted a few tambourines too.
Like Steve McQueen, Liam is one of those people who grown men endlessly aim to imitate—with the world wide web rife with ‘what Liam wore’ discussions as his fans pontificate over the finer points of suede shoes and parka pocket placement.
Read the full article on Seen’s website here.
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